VCSD Budget Exit Poll Results

The Voorheesville Central School District conducted an exit poll during its annual school budget vote on Tuesday, May 17. The purpose was to collect demographic data about who voted on the budget and information about why they voted the way they did. 

At the polling site, voters had the option of submitting their responses through paper or digital surveys. Some also chose to use the QR code provided to fill in the survey at their convenience until May 19.   

The survey was voluntary and anonymous. Of the 1101 residents who voted on Voorheesville’s budget for the 2022-23 school year, 96 voters elected to complete the exit survey — a response rate of nearly 8.7%. While these results do not represent the opinions of all voters, they do provide community perceptions about the district and its proposed budget. 

Thank you to the voters who shared their answers and opinions. The district would like to encourage more participation in next year’s budget exit survey because the feedback we get from our community helps guide the district’s decision-making.

Here is a link to the full exit poll results. 

More information on the Voorheesville CSD budget can be found here.