Students Can Use ‘Pick a Reading Partner’ Coupons This Week

June 7-9 Scholastic Book Fair

More than half the elementary students have a $7.00 credit in the form of a gift certificate they earned for participating in a PTA sponsored reading program. During the month of March, upwards of 300 students read with an adult or partner in their household for 15 minutes for at least 21 days.

Lynn Goyer, the coordinator of the Pick a Reading Partner program said they were so excited with the turnout this year, the PTA raised the value of the gift certificates they handed out to students from $5.00 to $7.00. “Over the years we’ve had numbers ranging from the low one hundred to a little more than two hundred. This year, after two years of not doing it, we had over 320 students participate. That is well over half the elementary school population, with every class being represented,” said Mrs. Goyer, “That is amazing! I am very proud of our students.” 

“None of this would be possible without Lynn’s efforts and organization. She has been instrumental in supporting this program for the past 15 years,” said Principal Vivenzio.

Here’s a link to the June 7-9 Scholastic Book Fair brochure.