Team Links
6th Grade
Keep track of weekly homework assignments and collaborate using Google Classroom by clicking here.
7th Grade
Access teachers, classwork, homework, digital resources, and announcements by clicking here.
8th Grade
Learn about assignments and teacher contact information by clicking here.
Weekly Purple Newsletter/Community Service Form/Various MS Resources & Updates
To view this site, click here. Upcoming Dates can be found on the PNL.
Tech Resources for Families
To view the tech guide, click here.
Parents Make the Difference
New Subscription to Parent Institute’s Monthly Newsletter
Results from a survey last spring indicated that Title I parents were interested in receiving more information on how to work with their children. The Title I Advisory Committee, which is always looking for ways to break down barriers and connect our parents to the school community, recommended the purchase of a year-long subscription to the Parents Make the Difference newsletter. The monthly newsletter provides strategies parents can use to support their children academically and tips for how to stay involved in their education. Both the elementary and middle school versions of the newsletter are available on the website now! To view the middle school monthly newsletter, click here.
Star of the Week
Middle School students who are making good choices and exhibiting positive behavior are being recognized for showing their school P.R.I.D.E. (Promoting Respect Integrity Diligence Excellence)
Check back each week to see who has made the list.
Supply Lists for 2023-24 School Year
2022-23 MS Curriculum Books
Gr. 6 Course & Program Information Book